Alain Eril: Teaching sex therapy in Moscow

A preliminary entry to teach sexotherapy under the guidance of French psychoanalyst Alena Erila has been opened.

Now in Moscow you can get the education of the European level in sex therapy. Alain Eril has been teaching psychologists, coaching, as well as everyone who wants to understand this important sphere of life deeper.

The program discusses the following

Theoretical aspects: anatomy, physiology, various psychological views on sexuality.

Workshops implies the use of an author’s approach to working with sexuality in real time, the ability to work out your own request or, having performed in the position of the therapist, get feedback and a supervisor point of view.

The training will take place in the fall of 2016 (the first block) – in the spring of 2017 (the final cycle) and will last a total 11 days (October 29-30, November 6, 12 and 13; then 15-16, 22-23 and May 13-14, 2017). Part of the classes will take place in Russian under the leadership of Maria Tikhonova, part – under the leadership of Alena Eril with a translation from French. Upon completion, all participants will receive a certificate of the International Association.

The cost of one training unit is 25,000 rubles., After September 15 – 30,000 rubles., after October 15 – 35 000 rub. To obtain a certificate, you need to listen to both modules and write the final work.


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